Mentoring Moment’s Theme for the New Year

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Happy New Year!

Each year Mentoring Moments enters the new year with a theme for our upcoming posts. Last year our theme was Grace-Full Living. We shared articles on grace-full homes, grace-full seasons of life, grace-full mentoring, and grace-full outreach. Highlighting God’s grace in the everyday practicality of life was both enjoyable and challenging.

Most years we are praying and pondering right into late fall concerning our theme for the new year. Not so for 2012. Infact, by April 2011 the Lord was laying the framework for a new focus.

In 2012 Mentoring Moment’s theme will be…drumroll please…

Each week we will delve into exactly WHO Jesus Is. For January, we will discuss Jesus Is…Alpha and Omega.

In conjunction with our Jesus Is theme, we are committed to encouraging and challenging everyone to prayer and Bible reading. Unless we are studying the Bible and praying, we will never truly know who Jesus is. When deceptive teaching arises, unless we KNOW Him and His Word, we will be led astray. May it never be, dear ones!

There will be yummy recipes, adorable craft projects, and tips on frugal living for the new year too. We have also just set up a site on to read books together this year. We even have some new sweet faces to introduce to you!

All of us at Mentoring Moments love, appreciate, and lift you up in prayer. We are looking forward to sharing 2012 with you!

About Kellie Renfroe

Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 17 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.

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Kellie Renfroe

Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 18 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.

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