“Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man.’ For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united unto his wife, and they will become one flesh.” ~ Genesis 2:22-24 NIV
The setting was beautiful with flowers and candlelight. The bride and groom descended the stairs and, with shaking hands, they each lifted the candle their parents had lit. Together they lit the unity candle and extinguished the other flames.
As that unity candle burns you do not see two flames but one. It isn’t divided in the middle, reflecting her side and his. It is amazing to me when couples come for counseling and think that marriage is a 50/50 partnership. I almost want to laugh and say, you have no idea. Marriage is hard work and it takes 100% commitment from each spouse to make a marriage really work. Just as that flame has become unified, never to be separated, so should your lives be.
Yes, you will still be who you are as a person, and you will have your job and responsibilities. You will still have your friends and your spouse will have his friends, but now that you two are one, your spouse takes priority over all others. That is how God purposed the husband and wife relationship to be. That is also why it is so difficult when a marriage is torn apart because a whole body has been ripped in two. Just as there is pain involved when your body is cut or torn, so it is when a couple tears the one body they form into two.
God’s perfect plan was one man and one woman united as one for a lifetime. How are you doing making your husband your priority? If it has become a struggle, ask God to fan into flame your unity again. Ask Him to help you love your husband only and to serve him as the prized possession he truly is.
Please pray today for marriages. Pray for healing of hearts that have been torn apart by difficult marriages. Pray that the enemy will be kept at bay and positive communication will take place in hurting marriages.
Do you have an encouraging scripture regarding prayer or marriage?
About Page Hughes
Page Hughes is a Jesus loving party girl who is always ready to have fun! She has been married to Dr. Les Hughes for over 30 years and they reside in Alabaster, Alabama. Les and Page have been blessed with 4 amazing children and 4 fabulous grand children who are the source of many great illustrations. Page loves people well through ministering to their hurts, cooking delicious meals, and partying with the purpose of leading others to a deeper relationship with Jesus. Page’s goal in life is to go to heaven when she dies and take as many people as she can with her.
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