When we approach Thanksgiving season, I often reflect on the ways God has provided for me and for my family over the years. Especially something that happened when my kids were young. We lived on a dairy farm and our dairy barn had burned down. We had to farm the cows out to neighboring dairies and were in the process of cleaning up and rebuilding. As you can imagine, this was a tough time physically, emotionally, and financially.
This particular day we had all been hard at work pulling nails and clearing away charred boards. At supper time we were tired, dirty, and discouraged. I was particularly so because I had fixed the last of our food for lunch that day. There was nothing left in the house to feed my three kids and no money to go to the grocery store. I did have a box of cereal but no milk. I had no idea what I was going to fix for supper.
Let me also share this with you. My husband and I had different views about what God would do for His children. He was of the “God helps those who help themselves” persuasion. He said God wouldn’t just throw a ham on the porch; we had to do something to provide it ourselves. I am of the “nothing is impossible with God” persuasion. I said God expects us to do our part, but if we needed a ham and had no other way to get it, He would throw it on the porch.
Back to my story. Here we were, a hungry bunch headed to a house with a practically empty cupboard. I had been praying all day for God to provide us with something to feed my children. I opened the back porch door. There, on a cabinet just outside the kitchen door, was a
It hadn’t been there the last time I was on the porch. I slowly walked over and peeked inside. And I beheld:
I breathed a prayer of thanks and prepared a feast for my kids. I cannot remember any food, anywhere, anytime, tasting as wonderful as that meal did.
Today, whenever I begin to wonder if God cares, if He hears, if He will provide, I recall that bag of groceries sitting on my back porch. God didn’t throw a ham on our porch, but He did throw something better–as far as my kids were concerned. This was a perfect meal for three tired and hungry kids. They went to bed with full stomachs knowing that their heavenly Father loves and provides for them. What more could a mom ask?

About Ginny Holcombe
I am a daughter of the King! My relationship with Jesus is the best and most important part of my life. I love my family deeply and am extremely thankful for family and friends. My desire is for women to deepen their relationship with Jesus and to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them through each day. I am a women who has been broken by life and circumstance, but I am also proof that there is a wonderful life after divorce when you allow God to be your provider, comforter, and guide. I am a daughter who is loved by her Father and I am a Mary who loves to sit at the feet of Jesus. I enjoy sharing the lessons He brings to my life on Facebook and my blog livinglifewithjesus.blogspot.com. I'm thankful to be given the opportunity to share what God is teaching me on MMCW. I pray that His love, grace, and mercy will touch you every day.
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