Showing: 41 - 50 of 326 RESULTS

Why Me Time Is Not Selfish

I have learned a lot in the past year as I struggled and strived through the first year of motherhood. It has been filled with exciting moments as well as those times when I have had to dig into the Lord’s strength. I either have …

The Good Fight for their Souls

As a stay-at-home mother of four little boys, I constantly find myself in the kitchen. There are meals to be cooked, sippy cups to refill, a pile of dishes that seems to never end–and someone is hungry for a snack all the time. The kitchen …

Faith at Full Strength

Often times my faith does not “feel” as if it’s operating at full strength.  I am up to my nose in dirty diapers and dirty dishes, and working a to-do list that never ends.  If I keep my sights solely on those things, then it …

10 Gifts for Kid’s Day

  Because we have a Mother’s Day and a Father’s Day in America, people occasionally used to propose a national “Kid’s Day.” But whenever the subject of a special holiday for children came up, someone invariably pointed out that most major holidays revolve around children. …

A Chapter of Wisdom a Day

This summer my daughters and I are sharing a devotional time by reading a chapter of Proverbs a day. It’s a simple and short way to spend time in the Word and prayer and, with 31 chapters, we’re done in a month. With Christine heading …

Father’s Day as a Single Mom

As a single mom I worked long hours and still struggled financially. Even so, I pulled together my pennies to buy the ingredients for a nice meal for my parents on Father’s Day. Always watching, my three and four year olds took note of this …

Coping with Change

As multiplied thousands of students graduate from high school and college this time of year, they hear lofty advice from baccalaureate and graduation ceremony speakers meant to prepare them for the future. Orators urge them to keep learning, think positively, set goals, strive for excellence …

Schluss Before Bedtime

In my childhood German-speaking home, Dad called our large family together each evening for Schluss before bedtime. Schluss is a German word that means conclusion or ending. Schluss was our time of family devotions. Dad read a passage from his German Bible. Then we knelt …

Suddenly Alone

{Editor’s Note: Before today’s wonderful post, I want to let everyone know our daily articles may experience changes over the next month. Instead of Monday – Friday, we will be posting on a reduced level due to health issues within our staff. You might have …