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Hope. Encouragement. Understanding. Who doesn’t need these? And during difficult times, we need them more than ever. Author Diana Savage has walked through loss, disappointment, and grief and knows where hope comes from. Now she shares insights gained from her journey and God’s Word in 52 Heartlifters for Difficult Times to help readers move toward emotional and spiritual healing.
Devotions begin with a Bible verse followed by interesting anecdotes or information that draw you in. The meat of the devotion usually includes more Scripture and ends with prayer. Since the book uses both Old and New Testament passages, you’re likely to find favorite and familiar teachings along with new and lesser-known ones.
I gained new insights from Jonah’s life in “Escaping the Jaws of Distress” and learned from the Apostle Paul’s example in “Watered by Encouragement.” Whether you need comfort in your current situation or need a nudge to move forward, these unique devotions offer both.
Diana divides the fifty-two readings into four categories: Choosing Our Outlook, Living Miraculously, Participating Joyfully, and Pursuing Possibilities. Although the meditations are designed to be read one per week, if you’re like me, you may read several devotionals a day and finish much sooner.
Blending practical, inspiring, and spiritual lessons, Diana writes with wit and wisdom.
If you want encouragement for a day or a year, pick up 52 Heartlifters for Difficult Times and let God speak hope to your heart. My husband and I enjoyed reading the book aloud together.
Learn more about Diana at on her blog, Heartlifters.
February: Love @ full strength in Christ
Anchoring Deep in God’s Word Schedule today, 02/26/14: Leviticus 24-25 and Psalm 55-58.
Join hosts Page and Cindy on Facebook where we are discussing today’s reading. Everyone is invited to join by clicking the ‘Join Group’ button. We have 800+ women reading the Bible through in 2014! Join us and invite your friends too! We are using the Ownit35 whole Bible plan. Download the free app or print out the reading schedule to use with your Bible.

About Lydia Harris
Lydia E. Harris is happily married to Milt, her sweetheart for 48 years. She has two married children, five grandkids, and is the author of a Bible study, "Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting" (AMG Publishers, 2010 release). She's also a tea enthusiast and writes the column "A Cup of Tea with Lydia."