Showing: 21 - 30 of 368 RESULTS

Baby Boom and Hannah

Baby Boom and Hannah

In the 1987 film Baby Boom, J. C. Wiatt, played by Diane Keaton, is the consummate career woman, an executive on the fast track to a vice-presidency with a large company. She lives with her boyfriend in a spotless ultra-modern New York apartment. But her …

While You Were Sleeping

While You Were Sleeping ~ Leah

While You Were Sleeping (1995) is a charming chick-flick in which Sandra Bullock plays Lucy, a toll booth clerk on the Chicago elevated railway. Because she has no family, she usually works the holiday shifts. She is a plain girl (makeup artists tried to make …

All About Eve

[For most of my life I’ve had two fascinations: Bible study and movies. For a long time I considered them two sides of my personality, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde—the spiritual side and the secular side. But then I watched in amazement as the …

Healing from Mean Girl Pain

“Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Were you taught that as a child? I know I was.  The well-meaning adult who taught it to me was sincere in trying to help me see that words can’t physically bring pain. …

How to Deal with Mean Girls

How do you deal with mean girls? If you watch popular television shows today, you would think the correct answer would be get her before she gets you, be meaner than them, be smarter, quicker, more powerful or have more money. A quick wit and …

Are You A Mean Girl?

I posted a question on social media asking for help writing this article on Mean Girls and, within an hour, I had over 35 comments not to mention the likes that came as a part of each comment. Mean girls have existed since man’s time …

Missionary Amy Carmichael Part 2

*Affiliate links included. In Part I yesterday we saw that Amy Carmichael had arrived in India. She settled in at a missionary school in Dohnavur, near the southern tip of India, working with a missionary couple. She felt that her mission was to preach to …