Matthew 6:25-32
Hello, my name is Page and I am a worrier.
I have never heard of a Worriers Anonymous group, but if there were one, I would be a candidate. It is hard for me to admit to that worry because I know it is a sin. Since I am confessing, I will go on to admit my greatest anxieties stem from finances or really the lack of finances.
When our oldest son was preparing to graduate from high school, I remember vividly lying in bed adding up the cost of his first year in college. I was also in desperate need of a reliable vehicle, and our second son was preparing to get his license and would be added to our insurance. Taxes were killing us…do I need to add more?
In tears, I tried to figure out how Les and I were going to handle it all. I wish I could say it was the only time I have been teary with worry, but it is not. Just as our Scripture reminds us today, we can’t change anything by worrying. Worry is like saying to God, “I don’t trust You. I must figure a way to handle my problems.”
It also may be the very reason you are encountering that trial. Until we come to the end of ourselves, we will never learn to trust God. It is now six years past this particular trial. Our oldest not only graduated from college, he is now in his third year of seminary. Our second son has also graduated from college and is in seminary, and the third son is in college. We still have no money, but I have a paid-for car, and our fourth child comes on the insurance in the next few days. The demands are still there, but I am different now. I am learning to trust. When those sleepless nights come now, I have learned not to try to fix it but to give it to my Father and trust Him.

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