A genuine quest for truth in our journey with the Lord inevitable leads us to the valuable lessons taught to us in Scriptures and through the life and words of Jesus Christ. We must measure all of our beliefs and decisions according to these two facts before moving forward in life.
Therefore, the first question when approaching any challenge in life should be, “How does my view of this situation align itself with the character of God?” An honest evaluation involves comparing the holiness of God and the absolute assurance that He is incapable of sinning against us.
When addressing our outlook on difficult circumstance, Precept Ministries’ Bible teacher, Kay Arthur says, “Anything touching our lives is first filtered through God’s fingers of love.” The Lord always operates in the realm of His unfailing love and faithfulness. The persona of the Lord counteracts any lie attached to our feelings when the storms of life block a clear view of our Savior’s intentions toward us.
The question to ask when making decisions should be, “How does my choice align itself with God’s Word?’ The Lord never directs His people in opposition of the principles of the Bible. So when our thoughts, words, and deeds are spoken from unselfishness and with the best interest of others in mind, then the edification of others and the Lord blossoms from them.
Philippians 2:6 says, “Though He (Jesus) was God, he did not demand and cling to His rights as God.” (NLT). Let us strive as sisters-in-Christ to gain perspective to what nourishes our philosophies and cling tightly to the truth about the Lord and His example to living life here on planet earth.
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About Beckie Stewart
Beckie Stewart has been married to her college sweetheart for almost 25 years. They have five children, the youngest adopted from Kazakhstan. She loves Jesus and discipling others to love Him too. She enjoys writing, reading, scrapbooking, and watching the Lord work in prayer. Her writings can also be read on Exploring Adoption, Mommies Magazine, and Ministry-to-Children.
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