Everything about the Thanksgiving holiday stirs my heart. I bid a fond farewell to summer and look forward to it again next year, but for now…
My heart begins to ponder countless things I’m thankful for, the many blessings I’ve received. At the top of my list is God’s faithfulness. I am genuinely thankful for the oft-spoken blessings: food, shelter, health, family, provision. For the past five years, I am also thankful for a word -a single but profoundly important word.
Five years ago I asked God for a word to hold in my heart over the coming year. I wanted to embrace a single word, a sweet reminder of God’s presense in my life, like a child holding her favorite doll. And in His faithful, loving way, that is exactly what I got.
My first word was *Content.* I came to love that word and reminded myself to be content in all things. The next year I began the process of once again preparing my heart. That year my word was *Enough.* What fitting words I was receiving! Living and abiding in my word throughout the year was rich and rewarding. I felt myself drawing nearer to God’s heart. He was using *my* word to comfort, mold and shape me into His great desire. Suddenly I was at His well, drinking Living Water, being renewed, cherished and cared for by my Creator, the Lover of my Soul.
One year my word was *Trust.* Oh, God, not *trust.* How about *Timely* or *Cleanliness?* I was rattled. I considered all of the events ahead of me …teenage driving, health issues, adult children finding their way. Then I knew that *trust* was the perfect word for that year and every year after! What a blessing that word became. It was a constant reminder: God was in control and I could *trust* Him!
This year’s word is *Rejoice.* I have been rejoicing…and being content…and having enough….and trusting…and knowing that I am cared for, protected, loved, provided for….known…by our King!
With the quickly approaching Thanksgiving season, won’t you join me in prayer for a new word of your own? Prepare your heart. It is a word, the Word, a word to be thankful for.

About Jan Nellis
Jan Nellis is a happily married mom of five children, three of whom are still at home. She spends her free time rediscovering the lost domestic arts with an emphasis on health issues. An avid quilter, crocheter, hand-spinner and cook, her desire is to rekindle the ways of her grandmothers, blessing her friends and family. She has spoken at women’s groups on forgiveness, following God's plan for your life and the joys of living with God. She currently blogs at www.atinylittleripple.blogspot.com.