“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart!” Psalms 37:4
Being single again is a time of drawing close to the ultimate spouse. He stands as the affectionate protector, the compassionate friend, and the One with whom we can share even our deepest desires.
Count your moment in time alone with the One who breathed life into you as a priceless treasure, which it is. Maintain and polish the relationship as a rare and irreplaceable gem.
The Lord has divinely ordained your steps to walk toward His purpose. Realize you are single again so you can be blessed beyond measure. In those times when frustrations, loneliness, or unrest approaches, throw up the mighty sword of the Word. Remind yourself that the almighty Son of God was Himself ordained to come to this earth, live, and die as a single man, completely and totally fulfilled through God the Father.
Allow the passion of a bride waiting for her groom to sweep her off her feet to be directed toward Jesus who is our perfect Prince of Peace waiting for that glorious wedding day. Do not be discouraged, but allow Him to fill every void and portion of your heart that desires love. Invite the Holy Spirit to take flight in your life and bring you up above the clouds where eagles soar. As we allow our life to be hidden in Christ with God, we will become peaceful, realizing that our Heavenly Father has only our best interests at heart. He is preparing us for ministry daily as He allows us to safely reside in the shadow of His wings.
As we place our desires aside and learn more and more to focus on His will instead of our own situation, He will begin to bless us with the desires of our heart. Serving the body of Christ should bring pleasure and enjoyment as we make ourselves available to be a blessing to others.
So prepare yourself and remember that the battle belongs to the Lord. He is our strength. He is our delight and our joy. Never doubt that He is coming and that your appointed time to be single again is under the watchful care of our gracious Heavenly Father. He is always in control and is ready to show us His way if we will just submit. Yield to the intimacy of His perfect will and be enraptured in His love.
Be blessed so you can be a blessing!
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About Jackie Henry
Writer Jackie Henry is the founder and director of the “Teacup Widow’s Ministry,” a ministry designed to bless, encourage and empower widows. Jackie was a widow for nine years when she met and married Rev. Larry K. Henry, who is an ordained minister in the Church of God. Jackie has served as the director of Women’s Ministries at the Lawrenceville Church of God for 14 years. She has been employed by North Ga. Church of God Executive Office for 17 years. Jackie and Larry have been appointed as pastors of the Dahlonega Church of God At Mercy Hill. Jackie has learned that God’s Word will mix with life’s experiences to create the wisdom that is needed for living. Her love for God has given her a winning combination.