When it comes to sharing the how and why of salvation in Jesus Christ believers can sometimes become tongue-tied, shy, and self-conscious. What if I say something wrong? I may say the Scripture wrong? What if I botch it all?
My pastor recently spent a Sunday evening service walking our congregation through a well-known method called the Romans Road. It allows believers to share the gospel confidently without worrying “Where was that scripture?” All you need is your Bible and a pen to set up the Romans Road.
1. We are not to be ashamed of the gospel or sharing it.
The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. In the front of your Bible write:
Romans Road Starting Point: Romans 1:16
This Scripture is to remind and encourage us as we begin to share the gospel with someone. When you began to share the gospel with someone, you can walk the path to salvation through Scripture in a clear and concise way using the Romans Road.
2. Turn to Romans 1:16 and write in the margin:
Romans Road Starting Point: Romans 1:16
Go to Romans 3:23
3. Turn to Romans 3:23 and write in the margin:
Romans Road: Romans 3:23
Go to Romans 6:23
4. Turn to Romans 6:23 and write in the margin:
Romans Road: Romans 6:23
Go to Romans 5:8
5. Turn to Romans 5:8 and write in the margin:
Romans Road: Romans 5:8
Go to Romans 10:9-10
6. Turn to Romans 10:9-10 and write in the margin:
Romans Road: Romans 10:9-10
Go to John 10:28
Here it is important to share how the devil will come and try to plant doubt in a new believer’s mind, making them wonder if they are truly saved. He tries it with all of us. Praise the Lord we do not have to doubt our salvation when Christ becomes Lord of our life as Scripture clearly points out!
7. Turn to Romans John 10:28 and write in the margin:
Romans Road: John 10:28
Go to I John 1:9
All believers sin and this Scripture points that out. We are not to walk away from the Lord when we sin, instead we are to run to Him for forgiveness.
I intentionally did not put points of explanation with all the scriptures because it would be easy to rely on those words instead of the leading of the Holy Spirit. As we live open to sharing the Gospel of Christ, the Lord will direct us in what to say and share. Have you ever been talking with someone and they share a Scripture or story that meets you right at your point of need? And, they knew nothing about what you were going through? That’s what I mean here. Some things cannot be planned out to the detail because the details are left up to the Holy Spirit.
We are to be prepared to share our testimony. This emphasizes the importance of studying the Bible, prayer, and putting into words your own salvation testimony. You will be amazed how the Lord will bring to your remembrance a specific part of your testimony or a story to share that is exactly what the person in front of you needs to hear.
Above all, remember it is not you who does the saving. Our part of the process is sharing the gospel and leaving the rest to the Holy Spirit and the individual. If the one you are sharing with chooses not to accept Christ as Savior, it’s okay. It is not a rejection of you. (Luke 10:16 / I Thessalonians 4:8)
In the case of a new believer, don’t give them a nice hug and walk away after they pray to accept Christ. We are to make disciples (Matthew 28:19)–lead them to the Word, show them how to pray, help them find a good Bible-teaching church and walk alongside them.
About Kellie Renfroe
Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 17 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.
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