Patience in Marriage

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“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23

I sent a survey out asking 50 wives which fruit of the Spirit they wanted to work on most in their marriage in 2013.
1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Patience 5. Kindness 6. Goodness 7. Faithfulness 8. Gentleness 9. Self-control

The top answer of 26 wives who responded was patience.

While I won’t put words in their mouths, I know personally patience gives me the ability to wait for some of the other fruits of the Spirit to mature and ripen in my own life.

How does my hurry-up impatient heart change to a patient heart? If I am honest, I admit my way of doing things has resulted in utter failure. Jesus uses patience to reach my impatient heart. He gently shows me my lack of patience is not the real issue; it’s my misplaced love.

Jesus offers me a way back to patiently abide in Him. Jesus gives me a new task–to focus on Him from whom all of the fruits of the Spirit flow.

My Six-Point Patience Check List.
How will I know my prayers for patience in my marriage are working?

1.         I won’t be interested in instant payback to my husband.

2.         I will bless even when I am provoked.

3.         I will look for unexpected blessings and truly want them to be spiritual.

4.         I will start to love life and my husband more and more with that Love coming from the Source of Love.

5.         I will surprise myself and hold my tongue, until the right time and place.

6.         I will bring peace to my husband and our home.

Cheryl Moeller is a Christian author, conference speaker, syndicated humor columnist, homemaker,  author of Creative Slow-Cooker Meals, and blogger. Married for 33 ½ years to Robert, they have 6 children, 1 daughter-in-law, and 1 very handsome grandson. Visit her blogs: MomLaughs, WritingMentor, and For Better For Worse For Keeps Ministries.

March’s Rooted in Christ theme is Patience

Reading God’s Story Schedule today, 3/18/13: Prayer & Meditation over last week’s reading.

Join hosts Page and Cindy on Facebook where we are discussing today’s reading. Everyone is invited to join by clicking the ‘Join Group’ button. We have 500+ women reading the Bible through together! Join us and invite your friends too

About Cheryl Moeller

Cheryl Moeller has been married to her best friend Bob for 30 years. They are the parents of six children, one son-in-law, and three lively dogs. She uses her over-the-counter-top stand up comedy at women's groups and retreats, prays like it's her full-time job, writes a syndicated humor column, blogs about life with lots of kids at, and authors books such as Keep Courting: 100 Ways to Keep Courting After Marriage (purchase on their website) and Marriage Miracle (Harvest House 2010). Bob and Cheryl's passion is to connect two hearts for a lifetime. They have co-founded For Better For Worse For Keeps Ministries

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Cheryl Moeller

Cheryl Moeller has been married to her best friend Bob for 30 years. They are the parents of six children, one son-in-law, and three lively dogs. She uses her over-the-counter-top stand up comedy at women's groups and retreats, prays like it's her full-time job, writes a syndicated humor column, blogs about life with lots of kids at, and authors books such as Keep Courting: 100 Ways to Keep Courting After Marriage (purchase on their website) and Marriage Miracle (Harvest House 2010). Bob and Cheryl's passion is to connect two hearts for a lifetime. They have co-founded For Better For Worse For Keeps Ministries

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