As I prayed at the table, my Bible before me, I opened my eyes to find my eight-year-old son copying me—head bowed and eyes closed, his Bible before him. Not having had our children very long—we adopted them mid-last year, my heart filled with joy at the sight of him taking his first steps toward Truth.
It reminded me of 3 John 1:4, “I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.”
Dear ones, we don’t go looking for joy; we find ourselves in joy—especially when our children start to seek God for themselves. And not only our own children, but also those with whom we have shared the good news of Christ. These, too, are our children.
Nothing—no, not anything else—gives us such intense reason to rejoice than to see the seeds of our “truth-walk” take root and bloom in others. The sight itself is a blessing from God! Indeed, it is something to be most thankful for—to see our children’s souls prosper (3 John 1:2). Even more, to hear—and keep on hearing—that they are walking in truth and loving the Lord with all their heart and soul and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5).
As we go through our daily lives, let us seek opportunities to plant Truth seeds in the lives of others through:
· Music.
· Movies.
· Current events.
· Our personal testimonies.
We might not be the person who leads them in a sinner’s prayer, but we may still be instrumental in leading them one step closer to salvation. Each person in that process is important.
“I [Paul] planted the seed, and Apollos watered it. But God is the One who made it grow. So the one who plants is not important, and the one who waters is not important. Only God, who makes things grow, is important. The one who plants and the one who waters have the same purpose, and each will be rewarded for his own work. We are God’s workers, working together; you are like God’s farm, God’s house. Using the gift God gave me, I laid the foundation of that house like an expert builder. Others are building on that foundation” (1 Corinthians 3:6-10).
Once I was finished praying, I waited silently as my son finished his prayer. He then asked to read the Bible with me, and we had a great time together with the Lord.
It wasn’t the day of salvation for him, but I trust he’s one step closer to making the decision for himself.
May my words and actions be an example to him and to others. May nothing I say or do deter him or anyone from their journey to the cross.
No, I won’t go looking for joy, but I will fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). When I do, I’m sure joy will find me again.
Daphne Tarango is a freelance writer and speaker who comforts others with the comfort she herself has received from God (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). She lives in the Southeastern U.S., where she is a leader in a Bible-based recovery program. Contact Daphne at
Reading God’s Story Schedule today, 1/23/13: Job chapters 6 – 9.
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About Daphne Tarango
Daphne Tarango is a freelance writer who comforts others with the comfort she has received from God. Daphne is a recovery speaker and writers’ group president. She has published numerous inspirational articles in print and online magazines. She has three stories in the inspirational collection, Women of the Secret Place, published by Ambassador International. Daphne is married to Luis and in the past year, has resigned from corporate life to take a position as a stay-at-home mom of three adopted children. To connect with Daphne, visit her blog:
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