Okay, so I just had a little praise service right in the van on the way home and I couldn’t wait to share with you what I felt like the Lord was telling me to tell you. Do you ever just get your radio pumped up and lift up your voice and praise Him at the top of your lungs (pausing briefly for every oncoming car to pass, of course)?
Anyway, I’m trying to be that “elephant foot” and I believe that writing these articles is one of the things God wants me doing right now. I felt led to share with you one of our little morning devos on baggage that I recently did with the kids. It came on the heels of the section in my Beth Moore Bible Study about re-building the ruins (from her book, Breaking Free). I thought, what if my kids could identify the baggage and get rid of it before they have time to become burdened down by it? So, we gathered luggage, backpacks, bags, etc. and brought them to the living room. We used mailing labels and wrote everything that we could think of that may eventually wear on a person. As we discussed each one, we loaded the bags onto my son. He could barely move by the end! We added things like negative comments (You’re ugly…You’re not smart…You can’t do anything right…etc.). We added the word divorce because we know children with this baggage. We added the word legalism. We added the word guilt. And on and on it went…
Now for the good part, we talked about how we can give those bags to Jesus! After all, He died to set us free! You’ve just got to read Galatians, 5:1, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” We can ask Him to help us see ourselves as He does and to believe that our worth is in Him!
My son dropped all of the baggage. We then discussed that inside each bag was Satan! (I didn’t think ahead, but wish I’d actually written Satan on paper and put inside each bag) I reminded them that we fight not against flesh and blood, but against “spiritual forces of wickedness (Eph. 6:12). If we can rightly identify each bag as coming from Satan, we can stand firm against it with our armor on! (Eph. 6:11)
As the Lord so often does, He reinforced this message for us. We “happened” upon a skit from the Skit Guys that just fits this lesson perfectly.
Maybe it’s time for you to get rid of some baggage or help your children not to pick up any! Spend some time in His Presence. Praying for ya!
Kathy Hutto
In His Presence Friday Link-Up Details
Every Friday we will link our blogs for a glorious time of sharing and visiting each others’ sites. In His Presence link-up topics may include posts related to prayer, seeking, and hearing from the Lord. Photos with Scriptures or quotes on seeking His presence are welcome. We will even be pinning some of the weekly link-ups to Mentoring Moment’s Pinterest board! Please choose to add the In His Presence link-up button or a link back to the weekly In His Presence post. Once you’ve linked up, visit two to three other sites that are linked up too–and encourage your sisters in Christ by leaving a comment.
If you would like to place the In His Presence button on your site, simply click ‘save as’ and paste to your site.
Let’s start linking, gals!

About Kathy Hutto
Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at http://www.kathyhutto.wordpress.com.
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