“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service.
And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Romans 12:1, 2
Heavenly Father, as I face this new day, before my feet ever touched the floor, there is a battle going on—spiritual warfare. There is a battle for the mind and it is in my mind where addictions begin. Your Word tells me the way to healing is to first be honest and recognize the addiction (Facebook, drugs, television, pornography, overeating, entertainment, etc.) which exists in my life. The next thing I must do is confess I am unable to overcome this addiction in my own power and strength. This day, I want to begin the journey of healing by allowing You to renew my mind with the power of Your Word. May the Holy Spirit convict me of wrong choices and teach me what is good and acceptable. Healing will come slowly, but it will come as I learn to trust You moment by moment. In the powerful name of Jesus I humbly ask, Amen.
In His Presence Friday Link-Up Details
Every Friday we will link our blogs for a glorious time of sharing and visiting each others’ sites. In His Presence link-up topics may include posts related to prayer, seeking, and hearing from the Lord. Photos with Scriptures or quotes on seeking His presence are welcome. We will even be pinning some of the weekly link-ups to Mentoring Moment’s Pinterest board! Please choose to add the In His Presence link-up button or a link back to the weekly In His Presence post. Once you’ve linked up, visit two to three other sites that are linked up too–and encourage your sisters in Christ by leaving a comment.
Start linking!

About Laura Leathers
Laura is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She is the founder of Tea Time Treasures, a ministry promoting Biblical Hospitality (www.teatimetreasures.net). Currently she is employed as an administrative assistant within a detention center—ministry in the marketplace. Laura received her Women's Ministry Certificate Advanced Degree from New Orleans Theological Seminary. She is a graduate of Speak Up with Confidence Seminars (Basic and Advanced) and CLASS (Christian Leaders, Authors, and Speaker Services). Over the years she has served as a Bible teacher, conference speaker and a free-lance writer.
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