Are you ever anxious and stressed about hosting Thanksgiving dinner, wondering if you will have enough food for those you are expecting? Here is a guide to help you to entertain like a pro and know how much to cook on Thanksgiving. Following these guidelines, you should have enough (although you may need to count teenage boys and/or large men as two people). And if you have more than enough–Thanksgiving leftovers are great!
Expecting 6 people
Turkey 6 to 8 lbs.
1 Appetizer
1 Salad
1 green vegetable
1 or 2 starches
1 pan of dressing or stuffing
1 dozen rolls
1 dessert
Expecting 10 to 12 people
Turkey 12 to 14 lbs.
2 Appetizers
1 Salad
2 to 3 veggie sides
2 starches
Large pan of dressing or two small
2 dozen rolls
2 desserts
Expecting 13 to 18 people
Turkey 18 to 24 lbs.
3 Appetizers
2 Salads
3 Veggie sides
3 Starches or double the size of one
3 Pans of dressing or one giant pan
2 to 3 dozen rolls
3 desserts
Words of Encouragement
I would encourage you to ask other family members to pitch in to help. You could make all of this, but most family and friends would love to be a part by bringing one or two dishes. Discuss what they feel they would like to contribute and then say, “I’ll put you down for that.” This avoids the unknown “whatever you want” and getting four green been casseroles and no sweet potatoes.
Today’s entertaining is more flexible and casual. Using quality paper plates, (sturdy) plastic flatware, disposable cups with names labeled, and even disposable pans will allow you to focus more on your guests than washing dishes. Don’t worry if things aren’t perfect. Just do your best. Your family and friends will appreciate it!
Allow others to help pull everything together. Having a list of last-minute items that need to be done will help you know what to say when they ask, “How can I help?”
While the dates do not align with this year’s Thanksgiving countdown, check out Loi’s Thanksgiving menu and plan from a few years back. She breaks everything up into doable daily assignments to make the cleaning and cooking for Thanksgiving a breeze. Loi even includes simple recipes right in the post for convenience.
Enjoy your guests and count your many blessings!

About Page Hughes
Page Hughes is a Jesus loving party girl who is always ready to have fun! She has been married to Dr. Les Hughes for over 30 years and they reside in Alabaster, Alabama. Les and Page have been blessed with 4 amazing children and 4 fabulous grand children who are the source of many great illustrations. Page loves people well through ministering to their hurts, cooking delicious meals, and partying with the purpose of leading others to a deeper relationship with Jesus. Page’s goal in life is to go to heaven when she dies and take as many people as she can with her.
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