“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.” {Romans 15:1]
It was one of those moments that you wish could last forever—evening was closing in as dusk dimmed the light of day. I stood in the garden enjoying the cool breeze of evening when suddenly a young doe leaped across the road, then turned and stood watching the way she had come. My eyes followed her gaze and there on the other side of the road was a tiny fawn—it caught my breath—so small just hours old, struggling to move from the ditch at the side of the road, onto the pavement. Using the leverage of her front hoofs the tiny fawn made it but was afraid, confused and wasn’t sure which way to go, but she followed the trail her mother had left. I watched with deep awe and fascination at this creature of God—her beauty—frailty and gentleness.
Later while sharing the story with Joe, he said the little fawn was born able to stand up—to walk—to see and because God created it without a body odor it was safe from predators… for a season. Unlike humans who are born unable to walk, see only after a season and cannot talk or take care of themselves—yet we are His highest creation. We are born to need God and to grow and grasp the value of life and each other.
Many are struggling to defeat the ditches of life and they need someone—we receive cries for help almost daily and the little fawn reminded me of one I received just yesterday a cry that said…I’m desperately needing help. I don’t want to return to the old-life—can you help me?
If you are strong it is because someone has helped you overcome the ditches and defeats of life. Watch and listen for the cries today and share your strength with those who are struggling.
Diane M. Hale
For the past 30 years, Diane has served as evangelist, trainer, teacher, mentor, and consultant for churches of many denominations.