On New Year’s Day we will began our adventure of reading through the Bible in 2013. Reading God’s Story will be a life changing experience for everyone. When we immerse ourselves in the Word, growth and change happen. Remember, ‘the word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword.’ Are you ready to grow in the Word this year? I am!
There are several reading options available, just choose the one most suited to your life style.
* Printed versions of Reading God’s Story: A Chronological Daily Bible are available in paperback and hardback
at Amazon. Lifeway Christian, Books-A-Million , Barnes and Noble and most other bookstores carry Reading God’s Story.
* Kindle version is available here.
* Reading God’s Story App. Download the FREE iTunes App for smart phones and tablets at http://www.bhpublishinggroup.com/qr/9781433601125/. The App includes Reading God’s Story Bible reading plan, the Holman Standard Christian Bible Translation, Read the Bible for Life scholar video series, Read the Bible for Life podcast, Reading God’s Story notes, Reading God’s Story podcasts, and Reading God’s Story audio Bible. For those on the go or maybe you do not wish to invest in another printed Bible, this is a great way to participate. I have it set up on my iPhone for those days when I’m waiting for an appointment. Here’s a screenshot from iTunes:

* You Version. This is another FREE App and it’s available for both Android and Apple phones, and Kindle. If you have none of those devices, just read right from their website on your computer. You Version offers the daily reading plan that can be emailed or posted on Facebook and Twitter. This is Mentoring Moments system of choice because it allows us to have our very own reading group!
To register, go to https://www.youversion.com/. When you’re all set up, look up Mentoring Moments in the Live / Group section and click the ‘join group’ button.
* Facebook and Twitter. We will be posting the daily reading schedule each morning on Facebook and Twitter. Use this as a reminder and a way to comment on the daily reading. Let’s share our thoughts and encourage one another along the way! Do you follow Mentoring Moments on Facebook and Twitter? Now is a great time!
Page and Cindy will be leading our reading beginning January 1st. It is exciting to think about how we will all be reading the Bible together and discussing His Word in 2013. Invite everyone you know! This will be particularly good for new believers and those who may not have read through the Bible. Instilling the habit of reading the Word is foundational.
This weekend will you join the staff of Mentoring Moments in prayer for this journey? Let’s pray specifically for all who will be participating, for understanding, wisdom and knowledge, teachable hearts, and a hunger for God and His Word that is unquenchable. May the desire for Him and His Word grow daily in each of our lives.
Are you planning to join us?

About Kellie Renfroe
Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 17 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.
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