I sit this morning on my front porch and welcome the soft breeze that bathes me and the sunshine that reminds me how His mercies have met me once again with the dawning of this day.
Spring has finally arrived and we who have lived through the harshness of winter welcome it. A delicious fragrance fills the air and I long to carry it with me throughout the day.
The colors seem brighter, cleaner as if they are glowing. I think they are glowing. The new greens and reds of the leaves….I see them dancing gracefully as they too celebrate their own joys. The birds cannot stop their songs, nor the squirrels their running and scampering. Even the air is fresh and it beckons me, come play. The flowers of my yard compete with one another in the brilliance of their hue, the tulips in reds and yellows, the bleeding heart with its droplets of pink and white, the lily of the valley in her delicate gown of deepest green and white, even the dandelions perk up their heads of shining yellow longing for attention which they soon will get as my honeybees venture out. New blossoms will appear promising a coming fruit of the season, a living food to nourish our bodies.
I sit now where I entertained some of my dearest friends before the snows of last year. The chairs, not far from where they were that day, remind me of our laughter, coffee cups warming our hands, breathing in the newness of another day, savoring the moments of fellowship gifted us by the hand of our Lord. Circumstances that fell into place allowed us another opportunity to encourage, uplift and pray for one another.
In the solitude of my porch I am reminded of the value of my friends and their impact on my life. And God reminds me that as I cherished the time with them, He cherishes time with me. And now I sit basking in His love and goodness.
I am at peace with His Word beside me. The promises, the examples, and the assurances invigorate me and lead me on to hope. I know more of Him daily and my love and devotion grows.
The cool morning breeze ushers in a new day and on the quietness of my porch a renewed love of my Savior rushes in. As the dawn of the season promises coming fruit, so my passionate relationship with Him promises fruit, the fruit of His desire, His intentions, His will. And it is His will that I desire.
As I work through this day, His day, I will carry the freshness of the morning near me, the presence of Him in me and the promise of His word with me. This is the fragrance of my daily devotion to Him.
“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:1-2
About Jan Nellis
Jan Nellis is a happily married mom of five children, three of whom are still at home. She spends her free time rediscovering the lost domestic arts with an emphasis on health issues. An avid quilter, crocheter, hand-spinner and cook, her desire is to rekindle the ways of her grandmothers, blessing her friends and family. She has spoken at women’s groups on forgiveness, following God's plan for your life and the joys of living with God. She currently blogs at www.atinylittleripple.blogspot.com.