I turned 66 this year, March 25th to be precise. I generally don’t forget my own birthday, so I wondered why amazon.com sent me a reminder about it? Did I ask to be reminded? There are plenty of things I need reminders about–like where I put the car keys, my password on this and that, but not my birthday!
Each year I think a little more seriously about my age. Our lifetime passes quickly as the writer of Psalm 90 points out. For us to use these days properly, we need to develop a positive outlook on the passage of time. By an inner work of the Holy Spirit, old age becomes a time to harvest our lives, to bless all that we have been through, the triumphs and the tragedies, the realized dreams, and the bitter disappointments, the acts of love, the shock of betrayal, and to convert these rich experiences to wisdom. Wisdom that can be shared with families, friends, and communities.
I have heard it said that “Some people grow up in the Lord, others just grow old in the Lord.” Unfortunately that is true. There is a big difference between the two. Growth and maturity require more than years of pew time; they require years of diligent learning, application, and obedience.
I should not fret about the wrinkles and lines that appear, for I know God has been good and faithful to me. He has taken me through the hills, valleys, storms, and sunshine, year after year and yes, I will bless His name. Life is not made up by our days turning to years. Life is what we make it, the way we conduct our lives, day to day, year to year. If we try to lead a life of holiness, following after God, then this far outweighs the feeling of aging. It is the fleshly man that makes us look in the mirror and see the spots. We should try to look through God’s eyes and see ourselves as He see us. The flesh could be beautiful, and we might have a heart of stone. But if the inside is soft and warm and inviting, then the outside should reflect the same. We think wrinkles and falling hair are a sign of aging, but we are only growing up in God’s eyes. He never thinks we are getting older, after all we are His children.
I have decided that I will relax and enjoy each birthday as it comes–regardless of the reminders I get from the mirror or amazon.com.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to finish well and honor you until my dying day. I don’t want to grow old, God. I don’t want any part of it. But since I have no power to stop the clock, my prayer is let me age with grace. Father, let wisdom flow from my mouth, let compassion flow from my heart, let acts of kindness flow from my arms, let faith flow from soul, let joy shine forth from my eyes. Amen!

About Jackie Henry
Writer Jackie Henry is the founder and director of the “Teacup Widow’s Ministry,” a ministry designed to bless, encourage and empower widows. Jackie was a widow for nine years when she met and married Rev. Larry K. Henry, who is an ordained minister in the Church of God. Jackie has served as the director of Women’s Ministries at the Lawrenceville Church of God for 14 years. She has been employed by North Ga. Church of God Executive Office for 17 years. Jackie and Larry have been appointed as pastors of the Dahlonega Church of God At Mercy Hill. Jackie has learned that God’s Word will mix with life’s experiences to create the wisdom that is needed for living. Her love for God has given her a winning combination.