We have talked about summer priorities and goals in Part 1, how to set up a planning day and the needed supplies in Part 2, and today we’re delving into specific categories. Spend plenty of time pondering and praying over the Lord’s priorities this summer for your family in the following areas:
- Quiet Time: when, where, what resources to use.
- Prayer: individual / family prayer time, keeping prayer journals, prayer requests / needs.
- Devotions with children (when–morning, lunch, dinner, bedtime?)
- Books to read individually or as a family.
- What talks do you need to have with each child, mentoring them in their walk with the Lord?
- Verses you want to memorize (passages?) as a family and/or for each child (specifically matching it with an area needed).
- Work on sinful areas.
- Witness: jot down who you need to witness to.
- Ministry: have kids think through who they can minister to.
Character: What quality are you wanting to change?
Family Relationships:
o Activities to do together.
o Family night ideas (get ideas from each child).
o Favorite breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.
o Favorite activities to do with siblings.
o Date idea for you and your spouse. Date night ideas for you and your spouse with each child. (Restaurant/activity)
o Ideas for vacation.
Medical: What appointments need to be taken care of?
- Physical, Dental, hearing, eye exam, getting glasses/contacts, braces, dyslexia, exams, learning/processing concern, other.
Appointments: Misc. other appointments to take care of.
- Banking, housing, insurance, lawyer, registering for dual enrollment, etc.
- Best to be specific and list person, reason, and phone number for easy reference.
- For easy reference and efficiency have two sections: to call and to email.
Chores: What needs to be done, needs to be taught/trained to each child.
- Activity – exercising video, biking, swimming, running, walking, etc.
- Lose weight? Eat better? How?
Academics: Although it is summer and they need a break, a little time on some of the days you’ll be home could be spent on growing in knowledge:
- What books do you want them to read? Library trips?
- What skills can they brush up on over the summer? (multiplication tables, critical thinking games, learn ABC’s, colors, shapes, etc.)
- Who to have over: family, friends of kids, people to learn from, people you can invest in, people in need, etc.
- Family memories, scrapbooks, organized memories (family videos, etc.), transfer family videos, mend clothing, sort through clothing, take up a craft or hobby (ex. quilting), read camera manual, research a disease, organize documents.
Develop new skills / interests: What things do you want your kids to learn? What do they want to learn?
- Art, music, or swimming lessons, baseball, shooting range, golfing, interests in fine arts, drama.
- Friends you have (or they have) who are good at something they could teach? Dancing, photography, sewing, flower arranging, scrapbooking.
Ministery ideas: Helping widows, fatherless, elderly, those in need, neighbors, singles, whomever God puts on your heart.
Vacation ideas:
- day trips, weekend trips, week trip
- what is your budget
- let kids have input
- get away for you and spouse
- get away for you and girl friends
- Cleaning – what needs deep cleaning?
- Repairs – start at the driveway and look with new eyes at the needs. Make a list, but make your goal for this reasonable. Include spouse where needed.
- Organization and flow. What needs to be done to make your home and routines flow more smoothly? (see also category below)
- Toy/craft/play inventory. Take a look at what you have for the kids to play with. Where will this take place and do they have the toys, art supplies, blocks, puzzles, to help them play independently, with siblings, and allow creativity and thinking? Think through this.
Organizing: What needs to be organized in your home?
- School supplies and school work, file cabinets, documents, paperwork.
- Clothes: closets, drawers, nightstands, under bed.
- Bathroom cabinets, kitchen cabinets, pantry, spice drawer, junk drawer.
- Every closet, drawer, garage.
Friday I will share a goals worksheet to help your children set goals for the summer.

About Rhonda Ellis
Rhonda Ellis is a wife of 29 years, a homeschooling mom to 6, a blogger, writer, speaker. Her passion is mentoring women in ways that impact hearts and homes for Christ. Grab a cup of coffee or a Diet Coke (water is allowed these days too) and be a "back porch" friend with her.Come read her blog at cultivatingahome.com. It's a great place to laugh, cry, share friendships and transparent hearts while sharing deep conversations about our journey with the Lord. You can also join her facebook page: www.facebook.com/TheRhondaEllis
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