Often times my faith does not “feel” as if it’s operating at full strength. I am up to my nose in dirty diapers and dirty dishes, and working a to-do list that never ends. If I keep my sights solely on those things, then it can become easy to drift. My faith can only run at full strength if my thoughts, actions, words, and heart are set on Christ. Living faith at full strength means giving all my small moments to the Lord so that those larger moments may already be grounded in Him. This is the lifeline to my faith.
Our days are made up of hundreds of small decisions placed one after another. How do I respond to a frustrated toddler? What is the nature of my spirit when overwhelmed with those household tasks common to us all? You may wonder what those questions have to do with faith, but it is in those moments that the Lord is building my faith and reliance upon Him. It is then that I have to crucify my fleshly responses based on how I feel and remember to whom I belong. In those same moments, the Lord is seeping into every crevice of my life. The Artist is smoothing away the fine edges of His sculpture. In this season of life, that is how my faith is being built and that is where He’s teaching me what a faith at full strength really looks like. He is fashioning what I hope to be a distinct and undeniable family resemblance in me, His daughter.

About Lacey Hughes
Lacey is a first generation pastor’s wife with a desire to share the joy of the Lord with those around her. She is the wife to Les Hughes III, senior pastor at Providence Baptist Church in Jayess, Mississippi. They have a two year old daughter and a son they welcomed December 2014. Lacey is a stay at home mom who loves building community with the people around her and encouraging women of all ages to seek a deeper relationship with the Lord.