My eyesight isn’t what it used to be. Thankfully, my tongue isn’t either. Sometimes sluggish body parts can be a blessing.
My dear brethren, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. James 1: 19-20
My tongue used to have the same vigor as the rest of my youthful body. Quick to judge, quick to respond, quick to anger, fast on the draw. It took a miracle – a King with a miracle for healing the one part of my body that needed it most – my tongue.
Teaching me compassion calmed my words. Giving me love for others softened my speech. Showing me how to respect others restrained my judging spirit.
I’m periodically tempted to take back control over my tongue. It doesn’t take long though to recall the anguish a foolish tongue can cause. Even the sense of control or power it temporarily brings isn’t worth the pain it inflicts on its victim.
I’m a happy girl with my less-than-perfect eyesight and my slow-moving tongue. I’m pleased to know that my words are more often a blessing than a curse. My eyesight may worsen over time, but I’m believing my tongue will offer grace and kindness because my King performed a miracle in my heart and on my tongue.
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