I was asked recently, “What do you do when people write horrible things about you on Facebook?” That is a question that seems to come up more and more frequently. There is no quick and easy way to find resolution to this problem.
The gospel writer Paul instructed his son in the faith to “Live a life above reproach.” What he was saying is live a godly life following Christlike principles in all you do so that when someone does speak evil against you, the world around you will know it is not true because of your godly character.
Many people who write hateful slurs against others have a consistent pattern of doing so. My mom would say, “consider the source.” There are some who are unkind and even evil by their consistent choices and there is not much you can do about that, but others can see that as well.
I would caution you to be selective as to who you accept as a Facebook friend. If a friend shows signs of anger or violence, quietly remove them from your friend list. I have only done this once, but the person I removed showed signs of anger, quick temper, and posted things I was concerned about. That will protect you and your friends unless they are connected to that same person.
If you are not able to head off hurtful comments, try looking below the surface. Have you offended this person? If so, go make it right. Are they hurting and just lashing out? Pray for them and, if it is appropriate, help them. Sometimes it is not appropirate nor advisable. Just let it go and ask God to give you peace. The best advice of all is to pray, pray, pray and ask God for wisdom. Remember, there are times that you can’t “solve the problem.” In those times stay quiet and steer clear. Proverbs tells us that without wood a fire goes out, and the same can be true of flammable relationships.
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About Page Hughes
Page Hughes is a Jesus loving party girl who is always ready to have fun! She has been married to Dr. Les Hughes for over 30 years and they reside in Alabaster, Alabama. Les and Page have been blessed with 4 amazing children and 4 fabulous grand children who are the source of many great illustrations. Page loves people well through ministering to their hurts, cooking delicious meals, and partying with the purpose of leading others to a deeper relationship with Jesus. Page’s goal in life is to go to heaven when she dies and take as many people as she can with her.
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