I had a moment today.
It was one of those that comes out of no where, but you know you can’t stop it.
I had picked up my daughter from preschool and for whatever reason, the cares of this world just came up and choked me.
I began to cry. I couldn’t help it.
Typically I take a head in the sand approach to matters such as this. I justify my approach spiritually using Matthew 6:25-34.
My husband and I try to be responsible with the resources given to us. We live frugal lives. And at the end of each month we have somehow fed our children and paid our bills, and I praise God. I’m not just saying that…I praise God each and every month when we get to the end and I know once again, God has gotten us through! But despite God’s history of faithfulness to us, today, I broke down and cried…in front of my daughter…which I hate. (Entering third trimester pregnancy may have something to do with this!)
Well, we got home and I began to remember all that I’ve been reading in 2 Chronicles lately about Solomon building the temple of the Lord. I gave myself a little sermonette. God was faithful to provide all that was needed to build His temple, and now I am the temple of God, I am His dwelling place on earth, and therefore He will take care of me.
Then, God interrupted my sermonette to give me His thoughts.
He reminded me that even before Solomon built a temple for God, God build a house for David. God, the great and kind Father reminded me that He took care of His children first…like any good parent would do! What a very sweet and kind God we have!
He is faithful and good.
He doesn’t just tell us to look after the interests of others…He asks us to imitate Him as He looks after the interest of others. And we are so richly blessed to be those others of whose interests He takes as His own!
As I was pondering all of this I realized how much like David I am. I want to do something for God. I want to change my circumstances. As if depending on Him is such a burden and I don’t want to wear out my holy welcome. God doesn’t see it that way at all. Rather, He teaches us to depend on Him completely before He ever allows us to do anything ‘for’ Him.
Lord help me to learn faithfully and submissively. Thank you for being such a good and kind God. The kind of parent I hope to be for my children.