I heard a pastor during his sermon tell the story of a young boy who worked hard to make a beautiful sail boat. He handcrafted the wood to make it smooth and watertight. He painted the boat with his favorite colors and made a sail for the little vessel then took it to a community lake to enjoy an afternoon of fun. The boat floated beautifully on the top of the lake’s surface. As the gentle wind blew, the boat got further and further away from shore. In his pride and joy of seeing the boat do what it was created to do, the boy allowed the boat to sail farther out than he could reach and the boat was lost to the gentle breeze and the open lake. With a downcast spirit the young boy returned home to tell his parents that he had lost his treasured boat.
A few weeks later the young lad was walking by a toy store window. He could hardly believe his eyes for there was his boat. It was the hull that his hands had formed. It was the same paint that he had brushed on and the sail was just as he had prepared. The boy ran to the storeowner and said, “That is my boat, I made it.” The storeowner said, “No son, that is not your boat, I bought that boat from a man who brought it in. Now it is for sale, son, and you can buy that boat.” The little boy was heartbroken, but with new resolve he headed out the door. For the next week he worked very hard to raise enough money to purchase the boat. He took his hard-earned money to the toy store. He laid the money down and purchased his boat back. As the boy left the store the owner heard him say, “You are twice mine now. I made you and I bought you. You are mine.”
Just as the boy had made the boat, God has crafted us just as He desired with just the right eye and hair color. He has made our bodies with the form and features He desired and He has allowed us to have freedom. God also paid a heavy price to buy us back from the peril that sin had placed upon us. God too says to us, “You are twice mine now. I made you and I bought you back. You are mine.”

About Page Hughes
Page Hughes is a Jesus loving party girl who is always ready to have fun! She has been married to Dr. Les Hughes for over 30 years and they reside in Alabaster, Alabama. Les and Page have been blessed with 4 amazing children and 4 fabulous grand children who are the source of many great illustrations. Page loves people well through ministering to their hurts, cooking delicious meals, and partying with the purpose of leading others to a deeper relationship with Jesus. Page’s goal in life is to go to heaven when she dies and take as many people as she can with her.
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