There is now about 15 inches of snow in my yard. Second time in as many weeks we’ve had an overabundance of snow. This has caused my dog Cinnamon some trepidation.
She wants to get to the backyard, but the step off the deck is buried in snow. She knows it’s there but cannot see it. She can see the yard but not how to get there. This is about her tenth trip out this morning. Nothing has changed. She still wants to get to the yard, but she’s too apprehensive about taking that first step.
After she came in this time I said to her (like she could understand me!), “Why don’t you just jump? You know the step is there.”
I was hit right between the eyes immediately by the Holy Spirit. “Ginny, why are you so afraid to take the step of faith I’m asking you to take? Why don’t you just jump? You know I’m here and won’t let you fall.”
Wow! Talk about having your own words thrown back at you! (Sort of like when Jesus asked His disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” Mark 4:40) I know it was God because He’s been asking me to take some faith steps in the past few months. I’ve even taken a few tentative ones, like Cinnamon walking to the edge of the deck. But like her, I’ve stopped, peered over the edge, and turned around. The promised land God has for me is just in sight, but my path is not visible to my human eyes. So I stay on the deck peering at the beautiful destination God has prepared for me.
Cinnamon finally took the leap: SUCCESS! She dared that first step and reached her destination.
Now for me. The step God is asking me to take is not dangerous or difficult. It does take me out of my comfort zone. But if my dog can take a leap of faith, I can. And so I shall, “…for we walk by faith, not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7.
Courageous faith = Trusting God and stepping into the unknown.
Ginny Holcombe, guest blogger