It was fellowship that brought the village tinker John Bunyan, the future writer of The Pilgrim’s Progress, to Christ. In his book Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, Bunyan recalls being a lost and profane young man who was first pricked for Christ by overhearing the conversation of a group of village women enjoying sweet fellowship.
“… for their talk was about a new birth, the work of God on their hearts, And me thought they spake as if joy did make them speak; they spake with such pleasantness of Scripture language, and with such appearance of grace in all they said, that they were to me as if they had found a new world…”
Faithful relationships are a conduit for reaching an ever-expanding kingdom.
Have you ever suddenly been placed in the dark because the electrical circuits blew a fuse? A similar thing happens to fellowship when you blow a fuse. It’s simple, the light of Christ no longer shines and relationships plunge into darkness. A living circuit must be produced through relationships, relationships that continue faithfully through thick and thin, rain or shine.
If we allow ourselves to be ‘broken links’ the whole body is weakened—everyone pays a price. Good strong relationships carry us through unbelievable storms creating a circuit that provides fellowship and gives witness to our care one for another. Like all kingdom priorities the way we live is not about us—it’s all about others.
Mending the links will protect and provide faithful, peaceful, and productive living and generate enough light to reveal a whole new world. Let us be ever continuing in faithful fellowship.
Diane Hale for the past 30 years has served as evangelist, trainer, teacher, mentor, and consultant for churches of many denominations.
Reading God’s Story Schedule today, 9/23/13: Prayer and meditation over last week’s scripture readings.
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