Hope! Triumph! Victory! Celebration! These joyous words describe Easter. Since Christ’s resurrection is the pivotal event in history, consider these six books and others to help children and adults remember the true significance of Easter.
1. Easter Bunny, Are You For Real? (Is It for Real) by Harold Myra
In this story, a father explains the difference between the commercial and biblical meanings of Easter to his family. His children learn the history behind the holiday and that it’s all right to celebrate spring festivities if they don’t overshadow the real meaning of Easter—Jesus’s resurrection. Written for children ages three to seven, this book helps parents and children discover the Easter central to our Christian faith.
2. Peter’s First Easter by Walter Wangerin, Jr., is written from the perspective of Peter, a disciple of Jesus. This fictionalized story is biblically based and tells of Jesus’s death and resurrection, including Peter’s denial of Him. Wangerin, a master storyteller, shows what Peter saw, heard, and felt as he witnessed events from the Last Supper to fishing with Jesus after His resurrection. Children ages four to eight will learn of God’s forgiveness through Jesus’ forgiveness of Peter.
3.The Tale of Three Trees: A Traditional Folktale by Angela Elwell Hunt
Three trees on a mountaintop dream of what they’ll become when they grow up. Instead of becoming a treasure chest, a strong ship, and the tallest tree, they become a manger, a humble fishing boat, and a cross—all used by Jesus. Readers of all ages will appreciate this beloved story at Easter and year round.
4. Preparing My Heart for Easter by Ann Marie Stewart
This meaningful eight-week Bible study focuses on Jesus’ journey to the cross. Along the way, you’ll meet the women whose lives dramatically changed through His teaching and love. Each week of study includes five lessons plus two weekend devotionals based on Easter hymns. You’ll also discover the significance of Palm Sunday, the Lord’s Supper, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Pentecost, and other holy days before and after Easter. This hope-filled study is suitable for personal or group use and includes a leader’s guide. Although the study was designed to begin when Lent starts, study it now and save it for further study next Easter.
5. In Six Hours One Friday: Living in the Power of the Cross (The Bestseller Collection),
Max Lucado weaves stories and scriptural insights around three solid anchor points believers can count on: Our lives are not futile, our failures are not fatal, and our deaths are not final. Because of “six hours one Friday,” these anchors are sturdy enough to withstand any storms of life. Consequently, futility is replaced with purpose; failure holds forgiveness; and death is exchanged for deliverance. This uplifting book includes an extensive study guide.
6.Who Moved the Stone? by Frank Morison
Frank Morison, an English journalist, sets out to write a book that disproves the Resurrection. But after detailed examination of the historical account, he ends up defending Christ’s resurrection. First written in 1930, the book is a classic apologetic on the Resurrection.

About Lydia Harris
Lydia E. Harris is happily married to Milt, her sweetheart for 48 years. She has two married children, five grandkids, and is the author of a Bible study, "Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting" (AMG Publishers, 2010 release). She's also a tea enthusiast and writes the column "A Cup of Tea with Lydia."