* Affiliate links included. “If I would have known grandchildren were going to be so much fun, I would have had them first.” Though author Lydia E. Harris didn’t pen that phrase, her love for grandparenting permeates her new book, Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting. A …
Empty Nesters
For All the Marbles
The expression that nature abhors a vacuum is especially true as we age: clutter, both material and mental, expands to fill our time and our lives. Those of us who are often in e-mail can attest to that as our boxes fill up frequently. A …
What Do You Want to Be When the Kids Grow Up?
When I was younger with small children, my husband occasionally came home from work to me bombarding him with talk. Once he said to me, “Talk to adults much?” and laughed. I said, “No! And that’s the problem.” I was not amused. My husband learned …
And We Laughed As Silly Kids Will Do
Patti M. Hummel It’s Summer Time and the living is easy… Great lyrics to a song most of us recognize, but have times changed so much since they were penned by Ira and George Gershwin and their fellow writer DuBose Heyward in 1935? Oh, yes, …