“Come near to the Lord, and He will come near to you.” (James 4:8).
Some days no matter how hard I try, I can’t escape the cloud of dissatisfaction that wants to keep me down; thinking only of what I don’t have. While this is a normal part of our walk through life, we as Christ-followers are supposed to focus our energy and thoughts towards praising and thanking Jesus for what we do have.
When I’m frustrated with my wardrobe, I thank God for the clothes I have on right now.
When I think I want a bigger house, I praise Him that I even have one!
In order to be near the Lord and fellowship with Him, I have to resist the devil. When I do that, my focus isn’t on me anymore and I begin to see the abundance He has already given me. See, God did not design us to think only of ourselves. He made us to worship and praise Him! Satan of course wants to derail us from glorifying God, shifting our focus to what we don’t have. On days when misery seems like better company that thankfulness, I choose to count my blessings and keep my thoughts on Christ.
When the mundane presses in, praise and thank the Lord for what we do have. Give Him our hearts every day; glorify Him for making us; for letting us praise His name. When we come near to the Lord, He has no other place to be than right by our side, pleased with us for praising Him, and blessing us with His peace and granting our desires.
Lord, thank you for being patient with me! Even when the days are long, or I feel my desires aren’t met. Keep me focused on you. Remind me that your ways are higher than my ways, and that my best is your number one goal. Amen.
Heather Spiva
Visit her blog at www.heatherspiva.blogspot.com