ALL POSTS BY: Kathy Hutto

Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at

Showing: 1 - 10 of 30 RESULTS

Making Time to Be in His Presence

Making Time for His Presence

I love devotions and read one most mornings, but there’s just no substitute for God’s Word. I want to encourage you to make time in His presence a priority. There’s just no Substitute for the Bible and prayer.  Period. Here are some practical strategies to help you …

About Kathy Hutto

Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at

I Know My God will be Faithful

God’s timing is impeccable. The Children’s Ministry magazine this quarter had a story in it that caught my eye.  It was about Willie, a 10-year-old Atlanta boy who sang the song, “Every Praise” for three hours until his kidnapper said, “Get out of the car.” …

About Kathy Hutto

Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at

Flip-Flop Cupcakes

Inspired by yesterday’s post, Walking it Out, today I want to share a fun summer dessert, Flip-Flop Cupcakes. The kiddos will enjoy them and, let’s face it, the adults will too! You will need… Cupcakes (already frosted) Keebler Vienna Cookies Air Heads Xtremes sweet and …

About Kathy Hutto

Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at

Walking it Out

* Affiliate Links I love what Beth Moore writes in her new Bible study entitled, Children of the Day. She writes, “Come walk with Me. Even with a limp. That’s what Jacob did (Gen. 32:31). Even in the fire. That’s what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego …

About Kathy Hutto

Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at

The Ultimate Example of Kindness

Recently I happened upon an interesting story in the Bible that I don’t remember reading before.  It was from 2 Samuel 24.  It’s about the time  the Israelites were once again rebelling against the Lord and punishment was imminent.  Through the prophet Gad, God gave …

About Kathy Hutto

Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at

In His Presence #24: The Majesty of My Redeemer

“On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wonderful works, I will meditate.” Psalm 145:5 Recently, the word “majesty” has just popped into my mind over and over.  I have been spending some of my In His Presence time delving into the meaning …

About Kathy Hutto

Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at

In His Presence #22 : What’s Your Mission?

I went to hear Pam Tebow, mother of the famed quarter back Tim Tebow,  speak recently.  What an anointed speaker she is, with many wonderful things to share.  One of the things the Lord spoke to me about was when she asked, what’s your mission? …

About Kathy Hutto

Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at

In His Presence #21: Live Differently

“Live Like No One Else.”  I just read that on someone’s car.  It was a bumper sticker from Dave Ramsey.  I know the premise behind that sticker is that we need not go into debt feeling like we have to keep up with the “Jones.”  …

About Kathy Hutto

Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at

In His Presence #20: A Steadfast Mind

My personal In His Presence time for the past few weeks has been focused on “my mind.”  I want to have a steadfast mind like it says in Isaiah 26:3: You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in …

About Kathy Hutto

Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at

In His Presence #19: Think on These Things

I hope you are still making time to get In His Presence.  If you’ve missed a week, the devil will definitely try to make you feel guilty, but don’t give up!  When thoughts like that creep into your mind, remember Philippians 4:8, Finally, brothers, whatever …

About Kathy Hutto

Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at